
\[ \newcommand{code}[1]{\mathtt{#1}} \]

As this language is functional, the most obvious example is the factorial function (as opposed to the ‘hello world’ for imperative languages):

fact n return: isZero n base recurse
    base: return 1
    recurse: sub n 1 step1
        step1 m: fact m step2
        step2 f: mul n f return

Don’t worry about the verbosity, this will get fixed when we add sugar to the syntax. I haven’t used any here to drive home an important point: every line has a very specific shape. Take the first line for example

\[ \code{fact}\ \code{n}\ \code{ret}\ \code{:}\ \code{isZero}\ \code{n}\ \code{base}\ \code{recurse} \]

this is read as

\[ \overbrace{ \overbrace{ \underbrace{ \code{fact} }_{\text{name}} {\ } \underbrace{ \code{n} {\ } \code{ret} }_{\text{parameters}} }^{\text{procedure}} \overbrace{ {\ } \code{:} {\ } }^{\text{maplet}} \overbrace{ \underbrace{ \code{isZero} }_{\text{closure}} {\ } \underbrace{ \code{n} {\ } \code{base} {\ } \code{recurse} }_{\text{arguments}} }^{\text{call}} }^{\text{declaration}} \]

In other languages you would write it as



In contrast to other languages, the Oluś language is strictly continuation passing style. This means that:

  • Every procedure has exactly one call in its function body.
  • There are no return values.
  • Every call is a tail call.
  • There is no stack.

Oh, and the indentation and line order are completely arbitrary. The following is an identical implementation:

Functions and return values

The language does not have a return statement, but we can add one by adhering to a simple convention:

Definition: A procedure is function if its last parameter is ‘eventually’ called. The arguments it is called with are the return values.

In Oluś this last parameter is conventionally called return. In CPS literature one often finds k.

Definition: A function is total if it always eventually calls its last argument.

Our factorial above is an example of a total function. The following is not total:

div n m fail return: isZero m fail step1
    # Division algorithm

This division algorithm

After adding a bit of syntax sugar this will become:

fact n return:
    isZero n (: return 1) (:)
    return (mul n (fact (sub n 1)))

Or, using lisp style names for the build in operations:

fact n return:
    if (= n 0) (: return 1) (:)
    return (* n (fact (- n 1)))

And with Church numerals it becomes a nice one-liner:

fact n return: n (: return 1) (m: return (* n (fact m)))