Lambda lifting

fact n return: isZero n base recurse
    base: return 1
    recurse: sub n 1 step1
        step1 m: fact m step2
        step2 f: mul n f return

with the following closures:

base: return
recurse: n return
step1: n return
step2: n return

Lift this into variables:

fact n return: isZero n base[return] recurse[n return]
    base return: return 1
    recurse n return: sub n 1 step1[n return]
        step1 m n return: fact m step2[n return]
        step2 f n return: mul n f return

We would need to generate special pass through versions of isZero, sub and mul. This can be done with some effort. If we try to do the same for fact we will end up in a recursion. This reflects that the function is not in tail-recursive form and requires a call stack.

Lambda dropping

Closure allocation

Empty closures are not allocated at all.

Closures that are compile time constant can be statically allocated in read-only memory. If their call-sites are known, it can also be inlined and removed.

Closures that do not escape can be statically allocated on the heap. Liveliness analysis can allow for overlap.

Other closure maybe be shown to be stack-structured and could benefit from optimized memory reclamation.